Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bush: Keep Abstinence In AIDS Plan

Bush: Keep Abstinence In AIDS Plan

Brilliant! :)

I LOVE the Onion. Too incredibly funny.

And especially "Fair and balanced".



Watching Transformers from Netflix!

Pretty fun movie...
Bit cheesy but fun cheesy... Very different vibe than the TV series....
Nice effects and doesn't seem to take itself too seriously....
Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not for the Weak of Heart!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Updated my home page...

Restructured it a bit and embeded the fishing videos on a detail page below the home page....
Lot's of fun on the Whitewater today!     I caught a small brown in the snow... it was beautiful...
Whitewater state park here:
It got hit HARD with the floods this past year... But the trout are still there and happy...
Minnesota in the winter is a BEAUTIFUL time hit the water for the winter trout season!
Get out there and chase those trout!

Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not for the Weak of Heart!

Mike Doughty's New Album is coming out on TUESDAY!!!! GOLDEN DELICIOUS INDEED!!!!

I am a HUGE Mike Doughty fan!!! 
Wiki here:
He used to be in Soul Coughing but has been solo for a while now...
latest album here: Golden Delicious
Last album: Haughty Melodic:
Cooler than Cool.
Download it RIGHT NOW (on tuesday) with the Amazon MP3 downloader... $.99 per song ($6.99 for the album on tuesday!) NO DRM!!!!
I am STOKED that he has new stuff out... It sounds like he is getting back to his Soul Coughing roots! Which is GREAT to hear!
Keep it up Mike!!!! You totally rock. :)

Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not for the Weak of Heart!
I am heading down to the whitewater (to see what is left of it and Elba, MN)

The winter trout season is open and the weather is nice (25 and snowy) so I can go down and admire the trout!

Link to google maps here:.

Some pictures from two years ago here:

Should be fun and I'll post how it went!


Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not for the Weak of Heart!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Watching Heroes on Netflix download and planning fishing....

I am almost through the first season of Heroes on Netflix download and
it is a pretty engrossing show. Not to serious and a bit campy but
still lots of fun. Characters you care about and interesting twisty

Still mulling on the "mashup".... there is something there at the edge
of my mind. Something significant and worthwhile.

Nighty nighty.

Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not
for the Weak of Heart!

Jumping into my day.

Just rousting out of bed after chatting with the icelanders!

The mindfulness class last night was pure bliss. Silent and steady and real.
It is highly recommended for a steady dose of finding prescence.

Need to run!

Tom Myers
Fly Fishing Excitement! Fun! Adventure! Lots of Pictures of Trout! Not
for the Weak of Heart!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ok... So I've integrated 3 different RSS feeds into http://www.thomasmyers.name/ on the homepage. So I now have the latest news from yahoo, the latest songs from itunes, and the latest pictures from smugmug.

Now what...

I was thinking of mashing these up in someway but I am not sure what that means yet. Something that keeps historical mashes and populates deep pages from the specific content pieces.

.... mulling it over..

Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm currently mulling about how to create interesting things that will attract traffic. Content that is worth peeking at, that will translate into traffic.

I would like to leverage the Amazon web services (http://aws.amazon.com) and create and host (EC2/S3) and store (S3/SimpleDB) something that pays for itself (and maybe a bit more on the side...) without the overhead of lots of maintenance....

I'll see what I come up with... perhaps something interactive that grows with the people who traffic it... stores and morphs on its own so it is always new and different. Maybe something that crawls and links on its own but asks for user comments on what it has found.... or something similar.

It will start from here: (http://www.thomasmyers.name) and go forth and multiply... :) Or so I hope....
